The Closed-in

The closed-in world is here around me

In my bones, under my skin down to the soul

And all the fires rage far away from this place

With ice in my fingers I long for the flame

Drinking to feel a new intoxication

Like the thought of a window to a cold world

Where behind it is nothing to do but waste away

All my soul leeching piece by piece into the walls

Part of the whole distilled into a purer form

And poured out in a toast to magnificence.

If something changes it will be the world outside

And the window will show it to me, keep it away

Refract until nothing is left but light

Which I’ll pour into a glass and drink that, too

All the more reason to stay behind the wall

Waiting for something to come through the window

And dissolve me in ink so I soak into the floorboards

Do you have a scheduled time for writing in your daily routine? What does that look like for you?

I’ve been on break about a week now, and though I told myself I was going to use this vacation for writing I haven’t really gotten anything done. Now I’m putting in a stricter schedule, and I’m going to force myself to stick with it. Who was it that said inspiration has to find you working? Something like that…

Photo by Emil Zimmermann from Pexels

6 responses to “The Closed-in”

  1. This poem is aware to understanding areas and that is good revelation.

    Schedules do not agree with me and it is not understandable that someone can box inspiration or idea in. Doing what you know how to do at peace supplies someone united with inspiration that gets added to as with a good story.

    There is reverse inspiration and it is only happening back and forth, with what is given being supplied more and more negative energy until you are truly “relaxed”/broken to the floor.

    I know the process place for inspiration or idea as either united interest span or reverse conduction. Just carry a small microphone recorder around with you where ever you go and go somewhere where the sights and sounds remind you of something familiar or agreeable. Go exactly when it feels easy to do and you will be with your always muse.

    See what happens.


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