New Directions

I’ve decide to run for president. These past few months have been hard on the world. Like so many others, I have remained isolated to do my part in preventing the further spread of disease. This has given me an opportunity to do some soul searching, and I truly feel that I will come away from this experience a different person. I think we all will.

After many days of going back and forth with myself and getting nowhere, I have finally come to what is probably the hardest decision of my life. So, it’s with a heavy heart that I have decided to give up my pursuit of writing. The time I’ve spent creating this blog, building connections with so many wonderful, talented people, is something I will cherish forever. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support you’ve given me, and for sharing your own work in your own way. Every time a person expresses themselves freely I think the world becomes just a little bit more interesting, and that’s something to be proud of.

Without writing, I will have much more free time that I’ll need to put to good use. I assure you I won’t waste it. Here at the end of my writing career I have decided to begin anew in a different pursuitβ€”politics.

In twelve years, I will turn 35 and become eligible to run for President of the United States. Twelve years provides me more than enough time to get my name and my causes out to the people of this magnificent nation, to rally those who still believe in the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, and to fundraise a boatload of money. So stand with me. Stand with me if you believe in the power of democracy. Stand with me if you wish to see this nation rise from the ashes of greed and corruption. Stand with me if you believe our children deserve clean air and water, a world free of pollution, war, and strife. Stand with me, and together we will forge a future of our own choosing.

Together we will bring the machinery of an old dynasty crashing down. A dynasty of exploitation and lies, of rich feeding on poor, always demanding more sacrifices while offering none of their own. A dynasty whose time is long past, and which even now stands weak and rotted from within, ready for the fall. 

So raise your head and look to the horizonβ€”the dawn cometh, and the night recedes in fear. This is the beginning of our future. This is the moment of turning tides and shifting winds. This is the day that will be marked in history as the beginning of America’s Second Revolution.












April Fools

28 responses to “New Directions”

  1. I didn’t know if April Fool’s would be possible this year but you got me. And don’t you ever do that again! πŸ˜‰

    Sense of humor and laughter is what is keeping us going so thank you for that. Side note, quitting writing while in isolation sounds a bit like true torture πŸ˜†

    Liked by 3 people

  2. This is such a great idea for a long satirical post. You can expand on this and go on and on about your idealistic ideas for improving your country. It’ll be hilarious. I enjoyed this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You totally GOT me! Well done. I was actually going to make sure that I memorized your name for when you ran for president. Our family loves (nice) April Fool’s jokes. This was a good one. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You really had me going, you scamp!! But seriously, I believe you’d do a superior job as president–here’s my vote now, since I’m sure I won’t be here come time for your election πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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