A Strange Thing as of Earth

Tonight they sleep under primeval rain

The few chosen to walk above the stars

And their hearts prepare for the leaving

Where out to the heavens one goes in search of truth

There will they find a strange thing, as of Earth

Breathing in the losses of eternity

With a voice silenced by the infinite

And eyes afraid of vision’s return

Who has seen the far off wall at the edge of the void

And heard the wailing of beasts beyond it

When the storm has washed away the world

They will wake to its voice across the waters

A song of all that awaits them in the abyss

Calling out its promises of infinity

I bought Hollywood by Charles Bukowski today. It will be the first of his novels I’ve read, though I’ve read a bit of his poetry. Any thoughts on him?

Photo by Spencer Selover from Pexels

8 responses to “A Strange Thing as of Earth”

  1. Moving above the stars is interesting; looking around at truth is agreeing with Always; the reflection of infinity on earth is true even while it is upside down. inside out and connected in some places in a weird way.

    I’ve seen the wall and the beasts…you? I know what tames them for the moments when I pass through repositioning their attention spans. It is hard to believe for some that beasts look around for something interesting so to unite with Always. This poem agrees with me. Good to see it.

    Liked by 1 person

      • There is an area or dimension for beasts or unintereting creatures. People agree consciously to become them when they understand to provide what can’t continue. There is an exact opposite process place for sights and sounds you appreciate. You are writing about something that is real…understanding it to you. Can you understand about the opposite area…could be intereting for you to witness and experience at feeling. Something to contemplate about. Take your time with everything. Pleasure.

        Liked by 1 person

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